Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday This one Not Quite Like the Others

Today I spent my day reading other people's blogs, watching Youtube video's and thinking the world is evolving but into what? Progress ....hmmm? Perhaps one might think so. As new technology is introduced in various aspects of medicine, telecommunications, IT, science to name a few.

But I see a decline in us as human beings, in our way of thinking, our values or the lack of I should say....and integrity, honesty and virtue. Where are they? I see a lot of people thinking of themselves most of the time. I believe we have become the me generation. We want a quick fix for everything and when we don't get it, whatever it is, we take short cuts over looking others needs before our own. Lying, cheating, stealing our way to the top of the heap. And once we are there are we fulfilled.... no.

I see the lack of quality and discipline in ourselves like we are just wondering aimlessly. If that makes any sense to anyone. I have a job I go to everyday and I myself do it because it is my job, not because I am there for a paycheck. I am their doing what I do in order to help the people I am suppose to. Not to try and be superior over someone to make them feel less than who they are. I try to uplift people when they are down. I don't follow the crowd. I don't do things just because everyone else is. I do things with purpose. Or at least that's the way I see myself. I have even been told I try to help more than I should. Is that really possible?

I read a blog the other day about someone wanting to know how to build up a thick skin. I myself am pretty thin skinned and I think that's ok. I would hate to be someone who was so thick skinned that nothing phased them. I think that sometimes if they have such a thick skin they won't have the capability of feeling how someone else feels. Meaning how can you empathize with someone without the ability to feel things.

Example: I am a bill collector and I am 52 and have lived through quite a lot on crap in my life. I work with a lot of young people who to me are only at their job because of the paycheck and that's it. You can hear it in the way they talk to people. They themselves have never experienced an real problems in their lives because of the quick fix mentality of their Me generation parents. The screaming child who wants something and they want it now and the parent that hands it over with no real thought as to hmmm, wait, I should make them work for this or earn that. And the child has not been taught that you have to work for what you want in life and by do so you learn that feeling of independence and pride from doing something well and earning what is deserved. I know there are parents that teach their children well and to those of you I applaude you and there are those that don't and should. But if you weren't taught how, LEARN HOW TO AND DO IT NOW FOR GOSH SAKES!!!

Ok I'm rambling, I'm tired I watched 9-11 video's that somehow caught my eye and made me sad. One was were they are still finding human remains at the site then looked on the side panel and saw one about how bad it was that day and that people began jumping off the building thinking it was better than being burned alive. I still think and I am sorry to say that I believe we our government had something do with 9-11. I just kept watching those towers fall and heard the firemen talking about hearing the many explosions as when a building is being demolished.

There are just still to many unanswered questions for me.

I will just keep praying that whoever is the next President of The United States will be able to lead us with Honesty and Integrity in the future. The only thing is I don't believe it will be McCain or Obama.

So with my ramblings done and sorry if they make no sense to anyone other than myself that's ok too. May God bless us and help us ALL!

Laugh, love and live like there's no tomorrow and have an attitude of gratitude. And I thank God I read and saw what I did today for it gives me the will to try and make things better with everything I do or say. Thanks for stopping by.....Dianne in Texas


Anonymous said...

I too am afraid that our society's ideals are declining. But there are people in online community who really care. I haven't lose my hope in the greatness of the heart of an individual. Thank you for you insights.

Barry said...

Yep - I agree. I am not sure either is the answer..

I am Barry from Texas (not in Texas at the moment) just had to stop by!

Banba said...

Thanks for visiting my blog:
I too notice a prevailing "Me" spirit in our society today, but am not so sure our generation is to blame. My husband and I have only one child and we have always given him whatever he needed. We never "made" him do chores or gave him an allowance because he just pitched in when he thought we needed a hand with something or did the dishes because they were in the sink. He is now 24 and runs and is 1/3 owner of our construction company and works so I hard I was able to retire at 49. I was raised with old school values and even though I raised him a bit differently, those values of hard work, honesty, and integrity will always work for anyone in any situation. Keep heart!

OIMS said...

Wonder the same thing day in and day out, but I'm either optimistic enough (or stupid enough) to believe that it's not a matter of not enough "good" but that we just constantly hear about all the "bad."

When I was in school (a very long day ago LOL), one of my English teachers said it would be a sorry day when the news was filled with "good times" reporting.

Didn't know what he might at the time, but I do now. Calling attention to the good would mean that the bad was so bad we just couldn't take it anymore.

Well this was suppose to be an upbeat answer, and I may be failing, so I'll leave it at that.

Linda said...

Yes, it is true that we are living in a "me" society today. However, since we recognize that, we can perhaps begin to make some effective changes through education and example. At least that is what I am working on. I understand that I have complete control over my actions and hopefully by taking responsibility for myself, I will leave a lasting impression on those I encounter in this lifetime. Although we are each only one person, together we make up a large group and our energy connects making us quite powerful. Just remember we all count. Each one of us. Just my thoughts! I have enjoyed yours.