Friday, April 25, 2008

Ever Feel Like Escaping the Zoo?

More thoughts on how you can Prosper!

For most people, life is a Zoo.
You feel trapped in a cage like an animal going round and round and never finding the opening to escape through. Ever feel like that? I can read your mind no need to say it out YES!!!

You start off your day with the blaring scream of your alarm clock yelling at you to get your butt up, then you rush around the house like a mad person trying to get ready and head out the door, only to find yourself sitting in traffic among hundreds of other very unhappy campers who wish they could be any place else a that very moment.

Weekends, well they're just are not the same anymore either, because there's too much too do and not enough time to get it all done. Besides, who can relax when you check the mailbox daily with bills constantly rolling in and there's barely enough to just pay for the essentials you need?

However, people across the country and around the world have begun to feel the need to find other ways to make more money than their dead end boring 9-5 jobs. They want and need more than what life is giving them at this very moment. Hundreds of thousands of people are feverishly scouring the Internet to find that business opportunity that will give them some relief, offer them a chance to make that extra money and make their dream of being wealthy a reality.

And that DREAM and VISION is what will get you exactly what you want.

Here is something I want you to watch. Just DO IT!!!

Abundance and riches on all subjects - including health, happiness and wealth - are your rightful heritage! To claim your wealth using The Secret, The Secret Team has created a powerful visualization tool to help you attract riches into your life.

The Secret to Riches tool will powerfully focus your mind on riches. It has been intentionally created so you will receive the maximum benefits through the law of attraction.

To experience the full power of The Secret to Riches, be sure to read every word as it appears on the screen and feel it as much as you can.
Believe and know that riches are yours. The Law of Attraction works!!! Start to visual yourself already rich with all the money you have ever want or need.

Now this video I would also watch as much as possible to keep reminding yourself to set your goals in life and be grateful for what you have been blessed with already.
The Secret is about - The Law of Attraction and positive thinking. When you think positive, you will attract positive things and likewise when you think negative things, you will attract negative energy around you. I know you want positive change in your lives and that starts with you. It's in the your mind, do you want IT what ever your IT is? Then envision it. Make a picture board and cut out all the things you want and everyday look at it and then be grateful for all the things you already have. Envision a beautiful home with your happy loving spouse and wonderful well behaved child and a job or business you love doing.

Now don't you dare starting thinking this can't happen for you, because I believe and know that IT CAN. Be blessed and be grateful ever day. You are a special person with a purpose in this life.

And don't forget to get your Free SpiderWeb Marketing System here's your chance to start your escape from the Zoo and you won't want to miss. Here's your chance to test the waters in your own home based business and you can start for Free. I wish you the only the best in all your endeavors. If you do nothing, nothing will happen so take an action towards your goal everyday and have passion and vision and you will succeed.

You must want something bad enough to attract it. If you think it will never happen, then you are absolutely right, as mentioned in the video, the universe will answer you
"Your Wish is My Command"

Thanks for your time and I appreciate you stopping by!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Can I Prosper You Ask?

Dianne here again, just wanted to make sure I gave you another way to Prosper. I know this is nothing new but just my take on Business Cards. Hope it helps someone.

The best way to Prosper, is to drive traffic to your Website or Store if it's a brick and mortar business. One of the best tools you can have is a Business card. This is a great opportunity to give someone the ability to contact you at a later date, instead of trying to write all your information down on a piece of paper that will surely be tossed away. With a Business card you simply pull one out and your done. And, I can say more likely that not, the Business card will be tucked away for safe keeping and not a sloppy piece of paper.

People wake up, a Business Card is VALUABLE to the holder and the receiver. People hang on to Business Cards I don't know why, they just do. If you look right this minute, don't you have at least one or two if not more Business Cards in your wallet right now?

So, your Business card has everything on it that some one will ever need in order to contact you or it should!
  • Who you are! Business Name and/or Personal Name
  • What you sell! Types of Products
  • Where you are! Physcial Address or Website
  • How you can be contacted! Phone No., Fax No. or email address

A Business card is your best friend when it comes to making money, period!
Never let an opportunity pass you by that you don't give someone your Business Card. And even if your not in a Business, having a Business card is a wise thing to get.

Think about! You meet someone at a gathering his name is Bill and you talked a bit and found out Bill works for XYZ company and you sell products his company needs or perhaps Bill is an HR person and you might like to work for his company some day, this may give you a leg up if your ever needing a job. You can remind them of your chat and they remember you because they still have your Business card in their wallet or billfold.

When your through chatting with someone always have a Business card handy in your pocket and pull it and say "Say Bill by the way here's my Business card give me a call sometime so we can stay in touch if you like." Then end the conversation by saying quickly after the card is given "Bill it was a pleasure to have meet you and perhaps we'll meet again someday and thanks for the nice chat" and be on your way.

In doing this you have just planted a seed in someones pocket that may bloom in to something fantastic one day. A job opportunity, a business relationship, if the person is ever in need of what you have to offer then they have your card. You just never know what could happen if you give someone your business card.

Years later someone may have that card and contact you, all because you were the thinking ahead about your future and you made that small gesture of giving them your Business card.
I'd say, you just made a very wise decision indeed!

So, if you looking for a great place to get your Business Cards might I suggest Vista Print. They have great service, you can design your own cards and so much more by visiting there website. I have personally bought from them and I loved the work they did on my Business Cards. I did everything online they had great templates or you can send them your own art work it's your choice.

Check them out and sign up to get their emails because they have great offers on all kinds of products you can use that will help you PROSPER. They even have FREE DEALS so give them a try.

Click on the link and sign up TODAY! You need that card or order some new one if yours is outdated. Just do it!

Free Business Cards Plus 14 Day Free Shipping $50+

What have you got to lose except missed opportunities and MONEY!!!

And don't forget to get your Free SpiderWeb Marketing System here's another opportunity you won't want to miss.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Money As Debt

Paul Grignon’s 47-minute animated presentation of “Money as Debt”
tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how
it is being created. It is an entertaining way to get the message out.
The Cowichan Citizens Coalition and its “Duncan Initiative” received
high praise from those who previewed it. I recommend it as a painless
but hard-hitting educational tool and encourage the widest distribution
and use by all groups concerned with the present unsustainable
monetary system in Canada and the United States.