Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hate Paying for Veggies Grow Your Own

Would you rather grow a few of your own vegetables instead of paying those high prices at the grocery store. Well I found this really cool website with this awesome product called

Check this site out especially if you live in a condo, townhouse or an apartment this is an incredible way to grow some of your own food. You can grow just about anything in these planters and it's only 30" wide and over 5 fee tall and comes with one large planter and 2 small ones. And it sells for $129.99 but looks like there is an introductory price of$ 99.99.

Just click on the title of this post and it will take you to the site.

Happy gardening!

Have a blessed day everyone,
Dianne In Texas

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hate To Diet & Like Making Money?

Obesity is at an all time high and that's a fact!

How many people do you know that would like to lose an extra 7-10 pounds FAST? What if they could do it in 14 days or less without changing their diet or exercising?

Wait...are one of the millions of overweight people trying desperately to lose those excess pounds?

There has been a merger with CNI (Calnutrasciences) and Xyngular. I love all there products and have lost weight but not where I want to be yet. I have tried Xyngular Global Blend drink and love the taste and get me all kinds of good stuff. I won't go into all the technical stuff it's just good for you...enough said.

Oh and the NEW PRODUCT XYNG....oh my gosh I have energy, no brain fog today I just started it today, and I stayed focused on whatever it was I was doing. The best part it curbs your appetite ...I had to make myself go get a Lean shake cause I really didn't want that.

I am telling ya folks if your looking to lose weight, feel great, and just be healthy then this is the company for you. And it has a wonderful compensation plan no legs where you have to put someone here and someone there crap....that's just crazy and so many people lose out on that kind of comp plan. Just check it out.


Have a blessed day everyone,
Dianne in Texas

Wow I've Not Been Here For Awhile

Well we all get caught up in our lives sometimes and I guess that's about all I can say. My family is doing good and I have a new grandson who is 14months old now and doing awesome as well as his Mom and Dad. I have been addicted to Facebook ....that's bad.

After realizing it's not a productive thing ...oh don't get me wrong it can be a great tool for social networking and such. But to much time has been spent there I fear.

Let me see if I can come up with anything new of interest and I will post it soon. For now I am trying to get with leads for my new home business. So in the next couple of days I will be making some posts.

Everyone have a blessed day,
Dianne in Texas